Successful Hiring

Successful Hiring

You’ve just hired your last employee. You’re now fully staffed. [...]

Miscommunication Costs Billions

Miscommunication can cost hundreds to billions of dollars. Averting miscommunication [...]

Our HR Year in Review

Our HR Blog Year in Review

Southwestern HR Consulting’s version of the Year in Review for [...]

New Mexico Round House

Get Ready for New Mexico’s 2024 Legislative Session!

Follow Southwestern HR Consulting (SWHRC) as we track Human Resources [...]

Business Investigation

Outside Investigations

Employers often call an HR Consultant to conduct an outside [...]

Employee Relations

Tools for Employee Relations

Southwestern HR Consulting (SWHRC) has a variety of tools to [...]

Going over Job Description with Employee
Pregnant woman in a office with a computer

The EEOC’s 2024-2028 Strategic Enforcement Plan

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) just finalized its FY2024-2028 [...]

Employee Development

Employee and Organizational Development

As a business, employee and organizational development is your greatest [...]