Overtime Pay

FLSA Overtime

Anyone that falls in the new gap right now ($43,888 [...]

FLSA Injunction Only in Texas

FLSA Injunction in Texas Only!

Our latest HR blog follows the changes to the FLSA [...]

Court Injunction

FLSA Injunction

As noted previously on the Southwestern HR Consulting website, the [...]

Retaliation Claim

Anti-Retaliation Case

The US Department of Labor (DOL) just published a news [...]

Worker organizing and empowerment

Worker Organizing and Empowerment

On April 26, 2021, the Whitehouse announced the signing of [...]

Will salaried employees receive overtime?

Will salaried employees be eligible for overtime?

Southwestern HR Consulting (SWHRC) previously reported that the Department of [...]

Fair Labor Standards Act Threshold

Fair Labor Standards Act Threshold

On December 17, 2021, the Society for Human Resources Management [...]

Whistleblower Protections & DOL Updates

Last week, we discussed, that employees who are not protected [...]

Federal regulations you need to know…

In order to maintain compliance and mitigate risk please contact [...]