EEOC-Harassment Cases

%%excerpt%% The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently sent out [...]

Server collecting tips

 Tipped Employees

The court ordered the Non-Compete Rule set aside and stated [...]

Non-Compete Agreement

Non-Compete Agreements

The court ordered the Non-Compete Rule set aside and stated [...]

Employee Relations: Investigation

Southwestern HR Consulting (SWHRC) often gets called in to do [...]

Difficult conversation with employee

Progressive Discipline

Progressive discipline is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a [...]

Successful Hiring

Successful Hiring

You’ve just hired your last employee. You’re now fully staffed. [...]

Miscommunication Costs Billions

Miscommunication can cost hundreds to billions of dollars. Averting miscommunication [...]

FLSA Injunction Only in Texas

FLSA Injunction in Texas Only!

Our latest HR blog follows the changes to the FLSA [...]

Court Injunction

FLSA Injunction

As noted previously on the Southwestern HR Consulting website, the [...]

Retaliation Claim

Anti-Retaliation Case

The US Department of Labor (DOL) just published a news [...]