Investigation vs Mediation

Investigation vs Mediation

Investigation versus mediation. Several factors are involved in determining whether [...]

Whistleblower Protection

Whistleblower Protection Policy

%%excerpt%% Whistleblower protection is an important element to your employee [...]

The OFCCP Contractor Portal is Open!

%%excerpt%% The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) who [...]

EEOC Updates

EEOC Updates

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has just published its [...]

Pregnant Women in Distress at Work

Pregnancy Accommodation Case

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) published a case related [...]

Employee Handbook

Employee Handbook Language

As promised last week, we are going to talk a [...]

Employee in a Small Business

HR and Small Business

The important HR takeaways a small business needs to know [...]

NLRB’s Joint Employer Status

In October of 2023, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) [...]

New Mexico Court House - NM Legislative Session 2024

New Mexico SB3 Narrowly Fails in the House

Well, by now you have learned that SB3 with amendments [...]

SB3 passes in the New Mexico Legislative Session

New Mexico Senate Passes SB3

SB3 with amendments was passed in the Senate with 25 [...]