Last week I reported on the bills that were underway. As of Wednesday, February 1st, the following additional HR related bills were added, including the awaited Paid Family and Medical Leave Act:

HB 64   Return to Work for Public Safety Employees 

HB 106   Increase Public Employee Pension Max

HB 207   Expand Human Rights Act Scope

HB 215   Study Unemployment Benefits for Ineligible

HB 245   Employee Free Speech Act

HJM 1   State Employee Classification Study

SB 11   Paid Family & Medical Leave Act

SB 20   Educational Retirement Board Changes

SB 204   Employee Leasing Benefit Programs

SM 16   Study Defined Contribution Pensions  

Some things to note, the expanded Human Rights Act Scope  (HB207) creates additional language which defines sex, sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity, and makes updates to other terms, including public employer and public contractor coverage.

The Study Unemployment Benefits for Ineligible (HB215) will study the effect of adding unemployment coverage for currently ineligible workers due to immigration status and for self-employed independent contractors.

The Paid Family and Medical Leave Act (SB11) bill is paid leave for the purposes of medical issues, birth/adoption (bonding period), domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault or abuse, and other reasons. The coverage applies to the employee and includes family relationships and blood relations, but also includes the spouses/domestic partners of the employee and family members of the spouses/domestic partners. The bill’s coverage also includes any other individual related by “affinity” whose close association with the employee or their spouse or domestic partner is the equivalent of a family relationship. The program applies to both private and public employees but will not apply to Federal employees and those covered under certain provisions of the federal Labor Railway Act. The Act provides for up to 12 weeks of coverage in a year and provides for intermittent use. The program will be managed by the Department of Workforce Solutions (DWS)and will be funded from contributions made by employees and employers based on wages. The payments into the program are proposed to begin January 1, 2025, with use of the leave to begin January 1, 2026. Initial deductions are planned 1/2% of earnings for the employee and 4/10% for employers. If an employer has an existing plan and wants to be excluded, they will have to apply for a waiver. We’ll be tracking this one closely and reporting out on any changes.

If you need help staying in compliance with HR related regulations, consider contacting Southwestern HR Consulting today!

Magdalena Vigil-Tullar

Written by | Magdalena Vigil-Tullar


Phone: 505-270-7494 | Email:

PO Box 14274 | Albuquerque, NM 87191

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Human Resource Bills