A little over a month of proposed legislation and with roughly three weeks to go and we now have over 500 House Bills and over 500 Senate Bills.

There are a variety of additional bills related to public sector retirement, educational retirees returning to work, or retirement solvency for programs related to certain public employers.

Both minimum wage bills, HB 25 and HB 28, as amended have been recommended at committee with a “Do Pass.” As of the morning of February 24th, SB 11, Paid Family Medical Leave, was headed to the senate floor with amendments. However, the item was not listed on the senate agenda for the 24th. We will be keeping an eye out for additional information.

An interesting Bill, HB 417 proposes a minimum compensation for part-time and full-time faculty of post-secondary schools dependent on the length of their contracts and appointment percentage.

HB 455, Workers’ Compensation Changes, increases the thresholds for attorney fees and costs of discovery related to Workers’ Compensation.

HB 502, Public Employee Probation Period proposes to reduce the existing probationary period of state employees from one year to 90 days.

SB 348, Overtime for Certain Motor Carriers, Exempts overtime requirements under the Minimum Wage Act for certain motor carriers.

The week before last I reported on HB 292 Related to the use of medical marijuana. HB 292 amends the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act to limit safety sensitive positions to “employees who carry a firearm as part of their employment or who operate(s) a commercial motor vehicle requiring a commercial drivers’ license.” One of the committees made a “do pass” recommendation on February 17th.

Magdalena Vigil-Tullar

Written by | Magdalena Vigil-Tullar


Phone: 505-270-7494 | Email: magdalena@swhrc.com

PO Box 14274 | Albuquerque, NM 87191

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Human Resource Bills