Performance Evaluation Form

As we approach the end of the year, many of you are approaching your organization’s end of the performance cycle. Many of you will either be conducting performance evaluations with your employees before the holiday or just right after the holiday.

If you have done it correctly, you have been providing feedback all along during the year when the opportunity has arisen, including but not limited to any one-to-one meetings you have had with your employees. New generations coming into the workplace expect more real-time feedback…and let’s face it, an employee can make desired corrections more quickly when they are given real-time feedback. Those items addressed during the year should be noted on the evaluation along with their performance since the item was addressed, whether it has improved or has not improved.

You should also start off the new performance review cycle with setting up expectations and goals in written format, so employees know what they were prior to performing the work. If you have found that some of the duties outlined in the job description were out of date, the new year is a good time to make those updates on the document. 

If you need Human Resources expertise, and are unsure with what to do, we can help you at Southwestern HR Consulting (SWHRC). Contact SWHRC today at the link above to find out about our services and our team of experts.

Magdalena Vigil-Tullar

Written by | Magdalena Vigil-Tullar


Phone: 505-270-7494 | Email:

PO Box 14274 | Albuquerque, NM 87191

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